Posture for the Risen Christ
Resurrection of Christ, according to Christian theology is the victory of Christ over sin and death (refer 1 Col. 15:). The posture for resurrection is depicted keeping in mind the above significance. The body is held up by keeping the full weight on the right leg and left leg is placed just above the ankle of the right leg. This is to signify that Christ is the one and only principle of creation and the first born of the dead, so likewise, he is the principle of new life initiated by his own resurrection (Gal. 1:18); the head is held erect which denotes a victorious Christ. The right hand in Ardhpataka is held above the head, (normally to depict Jesus Christ, this particular Hasta is held parallel to the shoulder) to signify that the resurrection of Christ is not a return to the condition of the present life, but to a life of the Spirit, the life already possessed by the Risen Jesus and communicator to those who come under his protection (1 Co.15). The left hand in Sikara signifies the victory of Christ over ego, evil, sin and death. Several passages connect the resurrection and exaltation with the title of Lord in such a way as to suggest that christ fully possesses the title through His Resurrection and Glorification. (Rom 10:9, 14:9; Eph 1:21; Phl 2:7-11; Col 1:18).